Basic Cake Decorating Workshops, Classes, Lessons: Cairns

There are a lot of people in my community that want to learn the basics of cake decorating.  No I'm not talking about the 3 tiered perfectly smooth and straight edges type of skills that are affiliated with true professionals. We're talking about genuine basics for the home not for profit baker, at real basics prices.

There are several cake / dessert decorating classes available locally but often they are beyond the depths & budget of the average stay at home parent who just wants to master making buttercream and to be able to make their own edible decorations.

And that is how Cake Decor in Cairns started.  I am a stay at home mum and self teach myself using the wonderful wide world of the Internet and numerous willing taste testers within my circles. We don't have a lot of money after the bills are paid, so paying $155+ for one cake decorating class is just not in our budget.  I have learned a lot of techniques along my journey so far and have been enjoying sharing it with you and hope that I am able to inspire people worldwide to have a go at doing it yourself next time you need a celebration cake.

Now of course,  there are loads of people out there who are suited to more upmarket businesses and professional classes... and if that meets your needs, that is fantastic and I encourage you to seek them out. (Really)  However, this blog page is for the other women and men out there like me!  (Broke but enthusiastic) Another reason that high lights why I share bargains spotted at discount stores like Reject Shop and Kmart often ;-)

Everyone has different learning styles and the Internet is just not for everyone... hence how my hobby classes have evolved locally.  What I provide on an irregular basis, is a casual friendly and affordable environment with no hidden costs.  If we are making edible owls or 3d x-mas trees for example, all the required packaged fondant, cmc, lustre dusts, edible glue and paint, rolling pins and other tools are all provided at no extra cost. (All I ask is you bring your own apron and a tray to take your edible creations home.)

Costs vary per session depending on the venue; including premises hire, consumables,  new tools etc, which change each time, but generally it's between $20 - $28pp each. The get togethers are always different so do read the event information. For enquiries message me through Facebook or email:

 how to make fondant bugs

I can hear you say "hang on that's really cheap! What's the catch? "

Well the answer my lovlies is:  There is no catch. This is not a business,  my goal is not to make as much money as I can from you, this is my hobby.  I get to practice and reinforce my skills, meet lots of new people (which can be hard to do when you're a stay at home mum) and have some much needed "me time" from my children (and they get important Daddy time). I don't play a sport,  but I still get to have some fun out of the house. And you know, mental health is just as important as physical health... so you've heard it here first:

"Cake Decorating is actually Healthy!"  ♥

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