Doctor Who : Tardis Cake How to make.

Those of you that follow my facebook page would probably already know that my 6 year old is a massive Doctor Who fan. This handsome little guy has been watching Doctor Who since he was 3 years old! Yeah I know right, what child sits still and watches complete episodes of this quirky show? ! Um Hello that would be mine!

A day after his 5th birthday he told me sternly "Mummy for my next birthday I want a Doctor Who cake. Can you please make it?" Well at the time I said yes, but didn't realise he was going to hold me to it! Fast forward almost 12 months and the pressure was on. I had made my first ganache/fondant covered cakes only a  couple of  months earlier so i wasn't sure how or what i was going to pull off. I had envisioned some type of round cake with a few DW toppers- nothing fancy or two difficult...

Weird brain 
activity occurs...

And suddenly a week before his birthday I find myself planning on a 3D Tardis cake! Um what the? Yes crazy I know! It may look simple at first but when you think about the straight lines and my not so steady hand it starts to unravel itself as the most difficult cake I have ever made.

tutorial doctor who cake

I ran into a few issues along the way and learned lots of new skills from the major mistakes I made like having enough cake to start off with! Also I wasn't confident in covering such a large rectangle so my method is a little unconventional and probably more related to a gingerbread house technique!  Ohhhh! And planning enough time to complete it. (I literally had no time to cover the cake board) I also had to use my cobweb laden corner of the brain that has some form of  mathematics ability! EEEK!

In the end though, I am really proud of this cake, not just because my son absolutely loved it but also because I accomplished my goal of making straight edged ganache.  I think I did darn well for a first time and hopefully next time I will get my fondant even straighter.

So now that I have raved on about my TARDIS, here is a few visual steps on how I made my son's birthday cake, start to finish...
how to make the best Tardis cake recipe
Planning and Cutting Fondant panels

 Whovian cake
Making the light, dusting to age panels, stacking layers

 ganache and stacking a rectangle cake
Making ganache that sets over night, getting the level
right before ganache on the outside. 

 naked ganache straight edge instructions

tutorial free
Putting the Tardis cake together was tricky!

 recipe cairns Australia

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