8 Minute Moist Microwave Cake Recipe : Lemonade Cake

Quick Moist Chocolate Cake Microwave Recipe

I have been meaning to share this recipe for the popular 8 Minute Chocolate Cake that I have seen demonstrated at Tupperware parties.
What? 8 minutes?  Yep you guessed it! 

It's quick and easy and very adaptable.  For the wow factor,  demonstrators often use Lemonade or for chocolate cake mixes Cola goes well. I personally prefer plain soda water. I don't really know what the origins of the recipe are, I don't even know if Tupperware invented it - but what I do know is that is fantastic in an emergency when unexpected guests arrive or when you don't want to heat the conventional oven up.

The cake itself is moist,  almost a pudding if you eat it warm or a soft moist  crumb when cold. It is even yummier with an easy ganache poured over as pictured, why not try my Raspberry Liqueur Ganache recipe., add some berries and YUM!

1 Packet of any brand Chocolate Cake mix (discard instructions)
1 Packet of Chocolate Instant Pudding Mix
1/3 cup of Oil
2 Eggs
1 Cup of soft drink (Cola/lemonade /soda)


TupperChef Kugelhoph  (a microwave safe cake pan made from silicone with a hole in the middle)
Spatula for mixing.
Mixing bowl


Place all ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix well using the spatula.

Pre-heat Kugelhopf for 2 minute in Microwave on high (this makes it non stick) then immediately pour cake mixture evenly into  Kugelhopf.

Microwave on High for 8 -10 minutes (depending on your oven wattage 1000 -800w)

Remove from microwave and stand for  at least 5 mins before turning out onto a plate. (I prefer to leave longer than that)

Decorate with Chocolate Ganache and Fresh Strawberries.

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