
New Logo Cake Decor Cairns, coconut, hibiscus and palm leaf.
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Cake Decor in Cairns
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Formal About me:

Naomi M. 
(a.k.a Cairns Cake Lady©)
I am the one and only independent owner / author of "Cake Decor in Cairns©." These are the only names used in public websites and social networking pages that I own and claim full intellectual copyright. 

© Cake Decor in Cairns 2012 -2023 All Rights reserved

Cake Decor in Cairns Social Networking Profiles:

I do not own any other business names nor webpage  pages of any kind. Anyone claiming to be a partner or associate of mine should be reported to me immediately via the contact form.

Thank you for your continued support and making the Cake Decor in Cairns
so friendly and supportive to all our local and extended global fellow hobby bakers and decorators.

P.s. I am addicted to buying cake decorating tools!! 


All sponsorship and affiliation enquiries can be submitted using the contact form 

Please note, I do not do fake non discloser reviews or promotions. All businesses mentioned in posts are entirely free from sponsorship unless specifically disclosed in individual posts.

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