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Oh me Oh My! I am so thrilled, so excited. I am just on top of the world today! Words can't really do it justice - I really am totally in a zone of cakey euphoria! What's got me so fired up and excited you ask? Drum Roll Please..... Coloured Ganache! Yes you read read right! Coloured ganache, is what's got me excited! I am so in cakey love with the whole concept right now! You see not everyone likes fondant, not everyone can cover a cake without the dreaded elephant skin, the cracks, and rounded edges when trying to achieve sharp edges. And you know what, some days fondant just doesn't want to play the game! Personally I find fondant to be quite moody and often find myself arguing with her at 1am in the morning! Eeek! However I am good at setting up my ganache. Actually I am pretty darn good! I have mastered getting it smooth - yep I like to think I am awesome at this, but nothing breaks my heart more than ruining that perfect finish with ...
□○☆* Last night I ended up helping my 11 Year old daughter to make the latest sweet trend inspired by the Squid Game series, using the available tools in our kitchen. [N.B. She has not seen Squid Game as it is rated MA however all her friends talk about it at school] We searched for some recipes but I wasn't about to use a ladle on a naked flame! So as I do, I played around to see what I could use with the existing equipment in my kitchen. ☆ Tip the smaller the frying pan the better. The mixture was so much easier when I switched to the small 1 egg sized mini frying pan. (see video further down) There were a few fails. If you try this, don't despair at the wonky, burnt or set too fast ones. You must work quickly so naturally some mishaps will occur. But after you get the hang of it the process becomes really easy! Failed 1st Attempts To make the Squid Game Dalgona Candy in the video I am using: A standard electric hot plate. (Not naked flame) on Low. Ingredients: 1.5 t...
If you live in the tropics or have warm summers, you've probably experienced Buttercream fail! You pipe these beautiful cupcakes with your large star tip, they look awesome... fast forward a couple of hours, you might be having a bbq or a party of some sort, that is either outdoors or not in air conditioning... Buttercream Fail occurs!! Melted, lop sided and just doesn't look right anym ore! What's the secret? So how do my cupcakes still look perfectly piped even after 2 hours sitting on the dessert table? How do I make buttercream covered cakes that keep their shape and colours don't run at outdoor summer birthday parties? The secret is a type of vegetable shortening available in Australian supermarkets called "Copha" Now this stuff is awesome but you just need to learn a few tips to make it work as a substitute to American vegetable shortening known as "Crisco" in their recipes. What is Copha? It's basically p...