Teach Yourself Links

Link #1 How to Use Fondant Cutters

Have some fondant/ gumpaste cutters but don't  know how to use them?  My Back to Basics Series will show you how to use some of the easiest to find plunger cutters and some extra tips and ideas to use them. 

Link # 2 Wilton

One of My very First places to begin my self teaching journey is Wilton. It is USA based, so some Australian conversions and alternatives are required but I have solved most of them and will address them  in my blog updates along the way. Please post a question via comments or facebook if you need help.


Link #3 Video

How to cover a cake video created by Planet Cake. 

Watching professionals is a great way to improve your own skills

Link #4  Craftsy (Sponsored)

Learn from the world's best instructors in the comfort of your home with Craftsy's online classes. Pursuing your passion is easy when you can watch anytime, anywhere, forever. Enrol in a mini-class to try for free today!

Link #4 Bookstores and Libraries 

There are many good cake decorators books available commercially. My favourite  Planet Cake was certainly a world class decorating school back in the day and this is still my old time go to book for pro tips.

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